There Goes Nothing

You may not have noticed but, especially if you live in the Northeast, you were getting something for nothing. Soon you will be getting less of that something, that is, you will be getting less CO2-free electricity from nuclear power plants. Nuclear power plants produce zero emissions, no mercury, no…

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No Free Lunch for Solar Power

It bears repeating: There is no free lunch. Solar advocates often say that power from the sun is free and, true enough, sunshine is not metered. But there is a cost for everything. A recent study by the Carnegie Institution for Science and Stanford University concluded that it would be…

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Hansen’s Back

His celebrity precedes him, but Jim Hansen is making a splash, again. Hansen’s been on a self-imposed hiatus from the celebrity spotlight. He had to be, he said; his notoriety had become too distracting, so he withdrew from the spotlight in order to do science. This is the man, after…

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